Source code for pdb2sql.align

import numpy as np
from .pdb2sqlcore import pdb2sql
from .interface import interface
from .transform import rot_xyz_around_axis

[docs]def align(pdb, axis='x', export=True, **kwargs): """Align the max principal component of a structure along one of the cartesian axis Arguments: pdb {str, pdb2sql} -- the pdbfile or the sql database of the complex Keyword Arguments: axis {str} -- cartesian axis for alignement (default: {'x'}) export {bool} -- export the aligned structure to file **kwargs {dict} -- option to select subpart of the structure for alignement Returns: pd2sql -- sql databse of the aligned structure Example: >>> pdb = '1AK4' >>> sql = align(pdb,chainID='A') """ if not isinstance(pdb, pdb2sql): sql = pdb2sql(pdb) else: sql = pdb # extract coordinate xyz = np.array(sql.get('x,y,z', **kwargs)) # get the pca eigenvect we want to align vect = get_max_pca_vect(xyz) # align the sql sql = align_pca_vect(sql, vect, axis) # export the pdbfile if export: export_aligned(sql) return sql
[docs]def align_interface(ppi, plane='xy', export=True, **kwargs): """align the interface of a complex in a given plane Arguments: ppi {interface} -- sql interface or pdb file plane {str} -- plane for alignement Keyword Arguments: export {bool} -- write a pdb file (default: {True}) kwargs {dict} -- keyword argument from interface.get_contact_atoms method """ if not isinstance(ppi, interface): sql = interface(ppi) else: sql = ppi index_contact = sql.get_contact_atoms(**kwargs) row_id = [] for _, v in index_contact.items(): row_id += v xyz = np.array(sql.get('x,y,z', rowID=row_id)) # get the pca eigenvect we want to align vect = get_min_pca_vect(xyz) # align the sql database dict_plane = {'xy': 'z', 'xz': 'y', 'yz': 'x'} sql = align_pca_vect(sql, vect, dict_plane[plane]) # export the pdbfile if export: export_aligned(sql) return sql
def align_pca_vect(sql, vect, axis): """Align the pca vect of the sql along th axis Arguments: sql {pdb2sql} -- sqldb of the complex vect {np.ndarray} -- pca eigenvect axis {str} -- axis along which to align vect Returns: pdb2sql -- aligned sqldb """ # rotation angles phi, theta = get_rotation_angle(vect) # complete coordinate xyz = np.array(sql.get('x,y,z')) # align them xyz = _align_along_axis(xyz, axis, phi, theta) # update the sql sql.update('x,y,z', xyz) return sql def export_aligned(sql): """export a pdb file of the aligned pdb Arguments: sql {pdb2sql} -- aligned sqldb """ if isinstance(sql.pdbfile, str): fname = sql.pdbfile.rstrip('.pdb') + '_aligned.pdb' else: fname = 'aligned_structure.pdb' sql.exportpdb(fname) def get_rotation_angle(vmax): """Extracts the rotation angles from the PCA Arguments: u {np.array} -- eigenvalues of the PCA V {np.array} -- eigenvectors of the PCA """ # extract max eigenvector x, y, z = vmax r = np.linalg.norm(vmax) # rotation angle phi = np.arctan2(y, x) theta = np.arccos(z/r) return phi, theta def get_max_pca_vect(xyz): """Get the max eigenvector of th pca Arguments: xyz {numpy.ndarray} -- matrix of the atoms coordinates """ u, v = pca(xyz) return v[:, np.argmax(u)] def get_min_pca_vect(xyz): """Get the min eigenvector of th pca Arguments: xyz {numpy.ndarray} -- matrix of the atoms coordinates """ u, v = pca(xyz) return v[:, np.argmin(u)] def pca(mat): """computes the principal component analysis of the points A Arguments: A {numpy.ndarray} -- matrix of points [npoints x ndim] Returns: tuple -- eigenvalues, eigenvectors, score """ scat = (mat-np.mean(mat.T, axis=1)).T u, v = np.linalg.eig(np.cov(scat)) return u, v def _align_along_axis(xyz, axis, phi, theta): """align the xyz coordinates along the given axi Arguments: xyz {numpy.ndarray} -- coordinates of the atoms axis {str} -- axis to align phi {float} -- azimuthal angle theta {float} -- the other angles Raises: ValueError: axis should be x y or z Returns: nd.array -- rotated coordinates """ # align along preferred axis if axis == 'x': xyz = rot_xyz_around_axis(xyz, np.array([0, 0, 1]), -phi) xyz = rot_xyz_around_axis( xyz, np.array([0, 1, 0]), np.pi/2 - theta) elif axis == 'y': xyz = rot_xyz_around_axis( xyz, np.array([0, 0, 1]), np.pi/2 - phi) xyz = rot_xyz_around_axis( xyz, np.array([0, 1, 0]), np.pi/2 - theta) elif axis == 'z': xyz = rot_xyz_around_axis(xyz, np.array([0, 0, 1]), -phi) xyz = rot_xyz_around_axis(xyz, np.array([0, 1, 0]), -theta) else: raise ValueError('axis should be x, y ,or z') return xyz