Source code for pdb2sql.transform

import numpy as np

This file contains several transformations of the
molecular coordinate that might be usefull during the
definition of the data set.

# Translation

[docs]def translation(db, vect, **kwargs): """Translate molecule in SQL database. Args: db(pdb2sql): SQL database vect(array): translation vector """ xyz = _get_xyz(db, **kwargs) xyz += vect _update(db, xyz, **kwargs)
######################################################################## # Rotation using axis–angle presentation # see ########################################################################
[docs]def rot_axis(db, axis, angle, **kwargs): """Rotate molecules in a SQL database. Args: db (pdb2sql): SQL database axis (list(float)): axis of rotation angle (float): angle of rotation Returns: np.array: rotated xyz coordinates """ xyz = _get_xyz(db, **kwargs) xyz = rot_xyz_around_axis(xyz, axis, angle) _update(db, xyz, **kwargs)
[docs]def get_rot_axis_angle(seed=None): """Get the rotation angle and axis. Args: seed(int): random seed for numpy Returns: list(float): axis of rotation float: angle of rotation """ if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) # define the rotation axis # uniform distribution on a sphere # eq1,2 in u1, u2 = np.random.rand(), np.random.rand() theta = 2 * np.pi * u1 # [0, 2*pi) phi = np.arccos(2 * u2 - 1) # [0, pi] # eq19 in axis = [np.sin(phi) * np.cos(theta), np.sin(phi) * np.sin(theta), np.cos(phi)] # define the rotation angle angle = 2 * np.pi * np.random.rand() return axis, angle
[docs]def rot_xyz_around_axis(xyz, axis, angle, center=None): """Rotate given xyz coordinates. Args: xyz(np.array): original xyz coordinates axis (list(float)): axis of rotation angle (float): angle of rotation center (list(float)): center of rotation, defaults to the mean of input xyz. Returns: np.array: rotated xyz coordinates """ # get the data ct, st = np.cos(angle), np.sin(angle) ux, uy, uz = axis # definition of the rotation matrix rot_mat = np.array([[ct + ux**2 * (1 - ct), ux * uy * (1 - ct) - uz * st, ux * uz * (1 - ct) + uy * st], [uy * ux * (1 - ct) + uz * st, ct + uy**2 * (1 - ct), uy * uz * (1 - ct) - ux * st], [uz * ux * (1 - ct) - uy * st, uz * uy * (1 - ct) + ux * st, ct + uz**2 * (1 - ct)]]) # apply the rotation return rotate(xyz, rot_mat, center)
######################################################################## # Rotation using Euler anlges # see ########################################################################
[docs]def rot_euler(db, alpha, beta, gamma, **kwargs): """Rotate molecules in SQL database from Euler rotation axis. Args: alpha (float): angle of rotation around the x axis beta (float): angle of rotation around the y axis gamma (float): angle of rotation around the z axis kwargs: keyword argument to select the atoms. """ xyz = _get_xyz(db, **kwargs) xyz = rotation_euler(xyz, alpha, beta, gamma) _update(db, xyz, **kwargs)
[docs]def rotation_euler(xyz, alpha, beta, gamma, center=None): """Rotate given xyz coordinates from Euler rotation axis. Args: xyz (array): original xyz coordinates alpha (float): angle of rotation around the x axis beta (float): angle of rotation around the y axis gamma (float): angle of rotation around the z axis kwargs: keyword argument to select the atoms. Returns: array: x,y,z coordinates after rotation """ # precomte the trig ca, sa = np.cos(alpha), np.sin(alpha) cb, sb = np.cos(beta), np.sin(beta) cg, sg = np.cos(gamma), np.sin(gamma) # rotation matrices rx = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, ca, -sa], [0, sa, ca]]) ry = np.array([[cb, 0, sb], [0, 1, 0], [-sb, 0, cb]]) rz = np.array([[cg, -sg, 0], [sg, cg, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) # get rotation matrix rot_mat =,, rx)) # apply the rotation return rotate(xyz, rot_mat, center)
######################################################################## # Rotation using provided rotation matrix ########################################################################
[docs]def rot_mat(db, mat, **kwargs): """Rotate molecule in SQL database from a rotation matrix. Args: mat (np.array): 3x3 rotation matrix kwargs: keyword argument to select the atoms. """ xyz = _get_xyz(db, **kwargs) xyz = rotate(xyz, mat) _update(db, xyz, **kwargs)
[docs]def rotate(xyz, rot_mat, center=None): """Rotate xyz from a rotation matrix. Args: xyz(np.ndarray): x,y,z coordinates rot_mat(np.ndarray): rotation matrix center (list or np.ndarray, optional): rotation center. Defaults to None, i.e. using molecule center as rotation center. Raises: TypeError: Rotation center must be list or 1D np.ndarray. Returns: np.ndarray: x,y,z coordinates after rotation """ # the default rotation center is the center of molecule itself. if center is None: center = np.mean(xyz, 0) if not isinstance(center, (list, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError("Rotation center must be list or 1D np.ndarray") return, (xyz - center).T).T + center
######################################################################## # helper functions ######################################################################## def _get_xyz(db, **kwargs): return np.array(db.get('x,y,z', **kwargs)) def _update(db, xyz, **kwargs): db.update('x,y,z', xyz, **kwargs)