Source code for pdb2sql.superpose

import os
import numpy as np
from .pdb2sqlcore import pdb2sql
from .many2sql import many2sql
from .transform import rotate
import warnings

[docs]def superpose(mobile, target, method='svd', only_backbone=True, export=True, **kwargs): """superpose two complexes Arguments: mobile {str or pdb2sql} -- name or sqldb of the mobile pdb target {str or pdb2sql} -- name or sqldb of the target pdb Keyword Arguments: method {str} -- method used to superpose the complex (default: {'svd'}) only_backbone {bool} -- use only backbone atos to align (default: True) **kwargs -- keyword arguments used to select a portion of the pdb Example: >> pdb1 = '1AK4_5w.pdb' >> pdb2 = '1AK4_10w.pdb' >> superpose(pdb1, pdb2, chainID='A') """ backbone_atoms = ['CA', 'C', 'N', 'O'] if not isinstance(mobile, pdb2sql): sql_mobile = pdb2sql(mobile) else: sql_mobile = mobile if not isinstance(target, pdb2sql): sql_target = pdb2sql(target) else: sql_target = target if only_backbone: if 'name' not in kwargs: kwargs['name'] = backbone_atoms else: raise ValueError( 'Atom type specified but only_backbone == True') # selections of some atoms selection_mobile = np.array(sql_mobile.get("x,y,z", **kwargs)) selection_target = np.array(sql_target.get("x,y,z", **kwargs)) # deal with the cases where some res are missing/added if len(selection_mobile) != len(selection_target): warnings.warn( 'selection have different size, getting intersection') selection_mobile, selection_target = get_intersection( sql_mobile, sql_target, **kwargs) # the molbile original coordinates xyz_mobile = np.array(sql_mobile.get("x,y,z")) # transform the xyz mobile xyz_mobile = superpose_selection(xyz_mobile, selection_mobile, selection_target, method) # update the sql sql_mobile.update('x,y,z', xyz_mobile) # export a pdb file if export: target_name = os.path.basename( sql_target.pdbfile).rstrip('.pdb') mobile_name = os.path.basename( sql_mobile.pdbfile).rstrip('.pdb') fname = mobile_name + '_superposed_on_' + \ target_name + '.pdb' sql_mobile.exportpdb(fname) return sql_mobile
[docs]def superpose_selection(xyz_mobile, selection_mobile, selection_target, method): """superpose the xyz using the selection Arguments: xyz_mobile {np.ndarray} -- xyz to be aligned selection_mobile {np.ndarray} -- xyz of the mobile used for the superposition selection_target {np.ndarray} -- xyz of the target used for the superposition method {str} -- svd or quaternion Returns: np.ndarray -- xyz of the xyz_mobile """ sel_mob = np.copy(selection_mobile) sel_tar = np.copy(selection_target) # translation vector tr_mobile = get_trans_vect(sel_mob) tr_target = get_trans_vect(sel_tar) # rotation matrix sel_tar += tr_target sel_mob += tr_mobile rmat = get_rotation_matrix(sel_mob, sel_tar, method=method) # transform the coordinate of second pdb xyz_mobile += tr_mobile origin = np.array([0, 0, 0]) xyz_mobile = rotate(xyz_mobile, rmat, center=origin) xyz_mobile -= tr_target return xyz_mobile
def get_trans_vect(pts): """Get the translationv vector to the origin. Args: pts (np.array(nx3)): position of the points in the molecule Returns: float: minus mean value of the xyz columns """ return -np.mean(pts, 0) def get_rotation_matrix(p, q, method='svd'): """Get the rotation matrix Arguments: p {np.ndarray} -- coordinate q {np.ndarray} -- coordinate Keyword Arguments: method {str} -- method to use svd or quaternion (default: {'svd'}) Raises: ValueError: if method is incorect Returns: np.ndarray -- rotation matrix """ # get the matrix with Kabsh method if method.lower() == 'svd': mat = get_rotation_matrix_Kabsh(p, q) # or with the quaternion method elif method.lower() == 'quaternion': mat = get_rotation_matrix_quaternion(p, q) else: raise ValueError( f'{method} is not a valid method for rmsd alignement. ' f'Options are svd or quaternions') return mat def get_rotation_matrix_Kabsh(P, Q): """Get the rotation matrix to aligh two point clouds. The method is based on th Kabsh approach Args: P (np.array): xyz of the first point cloud Q (np.array): xyz of the second point cloud Returns: np.array: rotation matrix Raises: ValueError: matrix have different sizes """ pshape = P.shape qshape = Q.shape if pshape[0] == qshape[0]: npts = pshape[0] else: raise ValueError("Matrix don't have the same number of points", P.shape, Q.shape) p0, q0 = np.abs(np.mean(P, 0)), np.abs(np.mean(Q, 0)) eps = 1E-6 if any(p0 > eps) or any(q0 > eps): raise ValueError('You must center the fragment first', p0, q0) # form the covariance matrix A =, Q) / npts # SVD the matrix V, _, W = np.linalg.svd(A) # the W matrix returned here is # already its transpose # W = W.T # determinant d = np.linalg.det(, V.T)) # form the U matrix Id = np.eye(3) if d < 0: Id[2, 2] = -1 U =,, V.T)) return U def get_rotation_matrix_quaternion(P, Q): """Get the rotation matrix to aligh two point clouds. The method is based on the quaternion approach Args: P (np.array): xyz of the first point cloud Q (np.array): xyz of the second point cloud Returns: np.array: rotation matrix Raises: ValueError: matrix have different sizes """ pshape = P.shape qshape = Q.shape if pshape[0] != qshape[0]: raise ValueError("Matrix don't have the same number of points", P.shape, Q.shape) p0, q0 = np.abs(np.mean(P, 0)), np.abs(np.mean(Q, 0)) eps = 1E-6 if any(p0 > eps) or any(q0 > eps): raise ValueError('You must center the fragment first', p0, q0) # form the correlation matrix R =, Q) # form the F matrix (eq. 10 of ref[1]) F = np.zeros((4, 4)) F[0, 0] = np.trace(R) F[0, 1] = R[1, 2] - R[2, 1] F[0, 2] = R[2, 0] - R[0, 2] F[0, 3] = R[0, 1] - R[1, 0] F[1, 0] = R[1, 2] - R[2, 1] F[1, 1] = R[0, 0] - R[1, 1] - R[2, 2] F[1, 2] = R[0, 1] + R[1, 0] F[1, 3] = R[0, 2] + R[2, 0] F[2, 0] = R[2, 0] - R[0, 2] F[2, 1] = R[0, 1] + R[1, 0] F[2, 2] = -R[0, 0] + R[1, 1] - R[2, 2] F[2, 3] = R[1, 2] + R[2, 1] F[3, 0] = R[0, 1] - R[1, 0] F[3, 1] = R[0, 2] + R[2, 0] F[3, 2] = R[1, 2] + R[2, 1] F[3, 3] = -R[0, 0] - R[1, 1] + R[2, 2] # diagonalize it l, U = np.linalg.eig(F) # extract the eigenvect of the highest eigenvalues indmax = np.argmax(l) q0, q1, q2, q3 = U[:, indmax] # form the rotation matrix (eq. 33 ref[1]) U = np.zeros((3, 3)) U[0, 0] = q0**2 + q1**2 - q2**2 - q3**2 U[0, 1] = 2 * (q1 * q2 - q0 * q3) U[0, 2] = 2 * (q1 * q3 + q0 * q2) U[1, 0] = 2 * (q1 * q2 + q0 * q3) U[1, 1] = q0**2 - q1**2 + q2**2 - q3**2 U[1, 2] = 2 * (q2 * q3 - q0 * q1) U[2, 0] = 2 * (q1 * q3 - q0 * q2) U[2, 1] = 2 * (q2 * q3 + q0 * q1) U[2, 2] = q0**2 - q1**2 - q2**2 + q3**2 return U def get_intersection(db1, db2, **kwargs): """Get the xyz of the intersection between db1 and db2 Args: db1 (pdb2sql): pdbsql of the first complex db2 (pdb2sql): pdb2sql of the second complex """ pdbdata = [db1.sql2pdb(), db2.sql2pdb()] manydb = many2sql(pdbdata) data = manydb(**kwargs).get_intersection('x,y,z') return np.array(data[0]), np.array(data[1])